Forward Huron
The purpose of Forward Huron (FH) is to promote economic development by creating new jobs and increasing the tax base. This is done through providing low-interest loans to assist businesses in relocating or expanding to Beadle County. The CDF is administered by the Greater Huron Development Corporation, but is overseen by a separate Board of Directors.
Program Guidelines
Only projects that take place in Beadle County will be considered for this program
The Foundation Board may place the review, collection and processing of a loan under the management of an individual, agency, or corporation of their choice
The Foundation Board shall set repayment and interest rates as appropriate for the project under consideration
Participation of a lead lender is required
Level of loan participation shall not exceed loan dollars available from lender
Recommended Lending Terms
Machinery and equipment not to exceed its life expectancy with a maximum of seven years amortization with a five year balloon
Land and building(s) not to exceed 20 years amortization with a seven year balloon
At least one job is to be created for every $25,000 lent
CDF loan dollar participation will not exceed 50% of the total eligible project cost
Fixed assets, equipment, leasehold improvements, and building construction and/or renovation are eligible activities
Security may be in the form of subordinated liens
Special loan conditions may be required as the Foundation Board sees appropriate
Inventory, rolling stock, working capital, agricultural production, farming, and past completed projects are not eligible unless they receive full support of the voting members of the Foundation Board
Application Process
All applications must be in forms acceptable to the Foundation Board and include (but is not limited to) the following
Project cost summary and source of use statement
Business plan
Three years personal or business financials and three-year projections
Appropriate personal and business credit information
Other information deemed necessary by the Foundation Board
Board of Directors
Steve Gohn, Chair
Avail Wealth Management, LLC
Tom Gietzen, Vice Chair
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union
Denis Drake
Beadle County
Pam Browing
First National Bank
Marcia Zwanziger, Treasurer
Huron Regional Medical Center
Dr. Bill Miner
Tschetter-Hohm Clinic
Gary Harrington
City of Huron
Lynn Schneider
American Bank and Trust
Spencer White
Farmers and Merchants Bank